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Laura Hadwin is an Instructor in ELD (English Language Development) at Camosun College in Victoria BC, Canada, where she teaches multicultural groups of adult learners. She has taught and delivered teacher training in South Korea, Spain, the UK, Turkey, Qatar and Mexico. She has been published in Teacher Trainer Journal, English Teaching Professional and Modern English Teacher. She is a Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy, and is the recipient of a 2019 NISOD Excellence Award. She has an MA in English Language, a PGCert in Higher Education, the PIDP (Provincial Instructor Diploma Program), TEFL-Q and TESLCert. She strongly believes in lifelong learning, and in her free time, she enjoys volunteering, art, yoga and exploring our beautiful world!


Learning is a treasure that follows its owner everywhere.

-Ancient Chinese proverb


The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.
- William Arthur Ward

The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of the mind for the purpose of satisfying it afterwards.

- Anatole France

Whoever teaches learns in the act of teaching, and whoever learns teaches in the act of learning.

- Paulo Freire


You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.

- Maya Angelou

There is no doubt that creativity is the most important human resource of all. Without creativity, there would be no progress, and we would be forever repeating the same patterns. 

- Edward de Bono

Educational Philosophy


Creativity is at the heart of living, teaching and learning: each are inherently creative activities that should mutually reinforce one another.

An emphasis on engagement, application, deep learning, and cognitive and critical thinking skills leads to more meaningful learning.

Learning opportunities are maximized with differentiation, flexibility and a 'principled eclecticism' that recognizes that each learner and learning context are unique.

Focus on whole person: Spiritual, emotional, mental and physical well-being are key priorities to facilitate optimal learning.

Dialogic: Learning emerges through interaction and participation with the teacher, peers, learning organization and wider community.


Education is a right deserved by everyone and should be accessible and inclusive, with an emphasis on community development and engagement.


Accountability: Structured goal-setting, as well as responsibility for peer-teaching and peer-mentoring lead to autonomy and greater agency for learners.

Areas of Interest 

- Creativity

- Teacher Development

- Teacher Beliefs and Identity

- Community Engagement

- Materials Design

- Literacy

- Self-Directed Learning

- Motivation

- Andragogy

- Transformative Learning


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